Keep your laws off their body

America managed to go back to 1800 and decided to ban abortion.

The „American Dream” is now a nightmare. Women are not free to decide about their bodies anymore.

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida signed a law to ban most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Because of this, the abortion could be made just if the mom would die because of the pregnancy or the fetus has malformations that put its life at risk. It takes months for every state to decide for itself, but this is still something alarming (Source: Politico). From 1 July, the new law will be installed in more states and abortion will not be legal in every case as it was before or not at all. Every state will decide for itself: some of them will let women access it until the 6th week of the pregnancy and others not at all (Source: The New York Times).

Abortion is or will be, sooner than we think, illegal in at least 16 states. Out of these, just 5 of them allows the victims of rape or incest to access it. In just 5 out of 16 states you have the chance maybe even to save yourself after being traumatized. After an animal took advantage of you, you still can not do anything for yourself. You can not choose for your body, your mental health and for the future. For your future and for your lovers ones. (Source: The New York Times)

In 2022, in America happens something that Romania saw after 1950.

A country where women were desperate to do something for themselves. There was no sex education, no rights over your body and you had to do what your husband wanted you to. It does not matter that you already had 10 kids at home and you could not stand it, you had to give birth to another one if the man decided to let you pregnant. It was your problem and your job: to stay at home, give birth, take care of the kids, be your husband’s personal maid, chef and everything he needed. Somehow, in all that chaos and communism, women still managed to get abortions. Illegal, of course. Thousands of them died because they were not successful and their number is not known because of the fact that everything was illegal. Everyone that ever talked with someone that lived in that period knows these things.

America has the benefit that contraception still exists, but not everyone can access it and know about it. Even if they do use it, there are still small chances for something bad to happen. But when you are a victim, nothing matters to the predator and they are destroying innocent life. Those are the saddest cases, where women have to suffer just because someone decided to take an important right.

Via Guttmacher Institution „45 states allow individual health care providers to refuse to participate in an abortion. 42 states allow institutions to refuse to perform abortions, 16 of which limit refusal to private or religious institutions”.

If abortion is legal, it does not mean that women will get pregnant just to have an abortion. It will be used when it is necessary.
If you ban abortion, it does not mean that it will not happen anymore. It just means that the SAFE ones will not happen, but women will continue to do this, for various reasons.
It does not matter if we talk about rape, incest, an accident where the condom broke or where the partner took advantage and took the condom. Everyone should have the chance to choose for their life and have all the support from the state, to have their best life. Not to die in the suburbs because she was 11 years old and her father was nothing.

It is insane that people prefer to see babies being abandoned, dying because of hunger, beaten because they were not wanted or planned, than women getting an abortion and continuing their life, having a child when they feel like it.

Let anyone decide for themselves.

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